BHARAT 28/07/2022 04:06:25
Can you tell me weather this product is refurbished product or new before placing the order and will it support 2 duo processor
harsha s s 07/06/2022 14:01:31 Answers: 1
shall i get i/O shield along with this motherboard pl confirm sir it will to book a motherboard
VIVEK 20/06/2022 16:26:30
yes it incudes
DebangGaming 15/05/2022 17:07:37 Answers: 1
Dose this motherboard supports MSI gtx 970 Graphics Card ?
VIVEK 19/05/2022 16:17:36
only ddr 3 card will support
Showing 1 to 3 of 9 (3 Pages)