Asim Shaikh 18/11/2020 00:18:18 Answers: 1
Can I get one single stick of 8gb ram instead of two?
And what is the frequency of ram?
vivek 19/11/2020 23:19:47
300 extra for single stock - 1600 fsb
Shailesh Prajapati 12/11/2020 22:41:20 Answers: 1
I need to 8 GB single RAM instead of (4+4) - Can you do that?
vivek 13/11/2020 13:59:12
300 rs extra we can do
Raman preetsingh 06/11/2020 17:48:31 Answers: 1
Whats specific current processor model of i5 u r selling?

vivek 09/11/2020 23:43:50
4570 quad core
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